Monday, 28 April 2008

bill bissett

[for reference, bill bissett]

nd th cat's n my hed

but that's alright, n evrythng

cos maybe he's ded, n maybe he isnt
it's uncertn, see? with tht giger cntr n all

friggin Heisnbrg. I lrnd it n school, but it
didnt do me no good now, did it?

so, nyway, here's the cat deal.
He's lost, n the dark more or less,
lookin at th parchmnt
thinkn bout onions
n stuff
n then there's this big noise
sounds like Montreal on a Tuesday
after th Habs win
nd he scats
not scats like crap, but like outta here, man
leavin the darkness
leavin the parchmnt
leavin, always leavin
lik m leavin u now
not fr gud, just fr now