Friday 30 November 2007


Forsooth, and that, sayeth ye churl, thatte catte be exceeding fatte to fitte through yonder hole. Methinks Ich shall haue to fetch me a deuice for to make ye catte smaller, or mayhaps make ye hole bigger? Sikerly it be as Maister Murphy hath proclaimed, that an hole cutte to fitte shalle not be fitte for its purpose. Fol de rol. Ich haue made an japerye.

Swyve thys for an game of soldiery, Ich haue an better idea by far! Ich shall give ye catte to mine gude freende Johannes Gowere and get mineself an hounde!


livesbythewoods said...

Blimey, well done. Was keeping my head below the parapet in a horrible reminder of school days: "Who will read this passage from The Knight's Tale? Ahhh...Lucy"

Mr Farty said...

WithaY - My fave is The Miller's Tale - can you tell why?

Unknown said...

Nice one Mr. F. A bit beyond me!!