Saturday 24 November 2007

Technical manual.

When Mat came back from his nightly excursion, and landed successfully in the lounge via the window he had craftily left open, Cat crapped on him. It was not a malicious crap, but one much needed as Mat had flown off with the kitty litter, and during his victory roll it fell off and landed on some poor bloke two doors down the street who was busily reading a technical manual on how to fit a cat flap in his back door.

The work was not going too well, and the last thing he needed was somebody elses' cat crap landing on him. Unmoved, he carried on.

Step 1: Measure door width to ensure correct centralisation of hole to be cut.
Step 2: Cut hole by drilling four holes, one in each corner, then use saw to make cuts between holes.
Step 3: Before fitting cat-flap check cat fits through hole.
Step 4: If cat is too big for hole................?

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